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Convert digital filter second-order section parameters to cascaded transfer function form

Since R2024a



    [b,a] = sos2ctf(sos) computes the cascaded transfer function of the filter system described by the second-order section matrix sos.


    [b,a] = sos2ctf(sos,g) also specifies the scale values g to perform gain scaling across the sections of the cascaded transfer function of the system.


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    Convert a second-order sections matrix to the cascaded transfer function form.

    sos = [2 4 2 1 0 0;3 2 0 1 1 0];
    [ctfB,ctfA] = sos2ctf(sos)
    ctfB = 2×3
         2     4     2
         3     2     0
    ctfA = 2×3
         1     0     0
         1     1     0

    Obtain the cascaded transfer function of a 10th-order lowpass elliptic filter with a normalized cutoff frequency of 0.25πrad/sample.

    [z,p,k] = ellip(10,1,60,0.25);
    [sos,g] = zp2sos(z,p,k);
    [b,a] = sos2ctf(sos,g)
    b = 5×3
        0.3216    0.2716    0.3216
        0.3216   -0.2850    0.3216
        0.3216   -0.4033    0.3216
        0.3216   -0.4345    0.3216
        0.3216   -0.4432    0.3216
    a = 5×3
        1.0000   -1.5959    0.6751
        1.0000   -1.5123    0.8125
        1.0000   -1.4458    0.9225
        1.0000   -1.4169    0.9730
        1.0000   -1.4099    0.9936

    Plot the filter response.


    Input Arguments

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    Second-order section representation, specified as an L-by-6 matrix, where L is the number of second-order sections. The matrix


    represents the second-order sections of H(z):


    Example: [z,p,k] = butter(3,1/32); sos = zp2sos(z,p,k) specifies a third-order Butterworth filter with a normalized 3 dB frequency of π/32 rad/sample.

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Scale values, specified as a real-valued scalar or as a real-valued vector with L+1 elements, where L is the number of second-order sections.

    The sos2ctf function applies a gain to the filter sections using the scaleFilterSections function. Depending on the value you specify in g:

    • Scalar — The function uniformly distributes the gain across all filter sections.

    • Vector — The function applies the first L gain values to the corresponding filter sections and distributes the last gain value uniformly across all filter sections.

    Output Arguments

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    Cascaded transfer function coefficients, returned as L-by-3 matrices, where L is the number of second-order sections.

    The matrices b and a list the numerator and denominator coefficients of the cascaded transfer function, respectively. See Cascaded Transfer Functions for more information.

    More About

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    Cascaded Transfer Functions

    Partitioning a filter system into sections connected in cascade form offers several advantages, such as easy design, less susceptibility to coefficient quantization errors, and improved stability [1]. A filter system H(z) can be expressed in L sectional transfer functions H1(z), H2(z), …, HL(z), where


    Filter system in the z-domain, with input X, output Y, and transfer function H

    Filter system in the z-domain, divided in L sections and connected in cascade. The sectional transfer functions are H1, H2, and so on until HL

    The sos2ctf computes the numerator and denominator coefficients of the cascaded-transfer-function sections from the second-order-section coefficients of the filter system.

    The output arguments b and a associate with the matrices


    and a=[1a11a211a12a221a1La2L].

    These matrices contain the second-order cascaded transfer function coefficients of H(z)



    [1] Parks, Thomas W., and C. Sidney Burrus. Digital Filter Design. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 1987, pp. 233–239.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a